Continuing Education Application Fee

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Bryn Mawr College invites qualified members of the community to take courses in the undergraduate college. Students who enroll in the Continuing Education Program come from a variety of educational backgrounds, ages, and experience. Their purposes for continuing education include:

  • Updating their background in a field
  • Exploring a new field
  • Preparing for graduate study
  • Pursuing a topic of interest
  • General educational enrichment
  • For highly qualified advanced high school students, supplementing the curriculum available at their high school

The aim of the Continuing Education program is to provide individuals the opportunity to take courses, for full academic credit, who do not wish to undertake a full college program leading to a degree.  A Continuing Education student may apply to take up to two undergraduate courses per semester, (regular enrollment and other resources permitting) and has the option either to take the course(s) for academic credit or audit. Students may not receive a degree through the Continuing Education program. If a Continuing Education student wishes to matriculate as an undergraduate, they must apply through the Admissions Office.